Monday, February 28, 2005

Velvet Revolution, continued

VR is really getting going... check out the list of affiliations they have now! My goodness!

VELVETREVOLUTION.US : VR's Divestiture for Democracy Campaign

They went straight at the 9 major American voting machine companies. Send them an e-mail of support! Send your own mail requesting that they shape up or ship out!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

A Corrupted Election

A Corrupted Election: "Despite what you may have heard, the exit polls were right"

A good article again examining the question of why the exit polls were so far off of the actual tallies and how it is so odd that the same thing happened in the Ukraine and it was assumed that there was election fraud, whereas here the assumption is there is something wrong with pollsters. Crazy people!

Audioscrobbler / Last.FM

If you haven't seen Audioscrobbler yet, you might want to look at it. It's quite an interesting service...

"Audioscrobbler builds a profile of your musical taste using a plugin for your media player (Winamp, iTunes, XMMS etc..). Plugins send the name of every song you play to the Audioscrobbler server, which updates your musical profile with the new song. Every person with a plugin has their own page on this site which shows their listening statistics. The system automatically matches you to people with a similar music taste, and generates personalised recommendations."

And Last.FM "is a personalised online radio station that plays the right music to the right people. Songs spread from listener to listener.
You get your own online radio station that you can fill up with the music you like. This information is used to find users who are similar to you. With this information can play you new artists and songs you might like."


Since just doing a progressive blog thingy didn't really attract any interest (as far as I can tell), I decided to just turn this into a personal blog. I'm still not going to mingle this with my other blog which is just for pictures basically of Simon and a few other things, but there's something anyway.

I've also redesigned the template. Hope you like the looks of the way it looks for at least the next while until I feel like changing it again!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Orphan Works: A chance to chime in

The US Copyright Office is requesting comments regarding orphan works.

Orphan Works

EFF and Public Knowledge have teamed to create the above site, which allows you to post comments to the Copyright Office. Do it!

Here is the Copyright Office's page about it.

Anglicans & gay marriage

I think I'm going to just fold this political thingy into my own personal blog in general. I also have a blog for photos, but anyway, there it is. I think I'll end up changing the title, etc., as well. So... I thought I would start off with this odd article from Kenya:

Church bans union of gay couples

Rather bad reporting, if you ask me. The church has "finally rescued itself from the grips of the influential gay-embracing liberal affiliates of Canada and America"? Sheesh. Consider this alternate report-- this is from ABC news:

Archbishop: Anglicans could face division

Still somewhat negative, but obviously a little more objective in its analysis?

Another reading by the Anglican Journal (of the Anglican Church of Canada) is even more thoughtful.

Surely, being asked to leave the Consultative Council cannot be viewed as a good thing. Still, it hasn't totally ripped apart yet...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

State Democrats Back Dean for DNC Post

It looks like it's likely going to be Dean for the DNC chair.

t r u t h o u t - State Democrats Back Dean for DNC Post